Social Login for Liferay 7/DXP
Social Login for Liferay 7/DXP plugin is developed by Surekha
Technologies using OAuth 2.0 based social networks login.
Social Login for Liferay 7/DXP plugin for Liferay enables you to login using social networking site accounts. This Liferay plugin allows Guest users to login to Liferay portal with LinkedIn, Github, Twitter and Microsoft account. These login options are shown at the bottom of the Liferay login screen.
Social Login for Liferay 7/DXP plugin allows you to login very easily and quickly. User don’t need to create account in Liferay portal rather directly login with Linkedin, Github, Twitter or Microsoft account credentials.
Key Benefits:
- Allows user to login via OAuth2 based login
- Linkedin login
- Twitter login
- Github login
- Microsoft login
- Integrated with Liferay login
- Enables auto login
- Easily track users whether from LinkedIn, Github, Twitter or Microsoft(with their LinkedInId, githubId, twitterId or microsoftId)
To configure Liferay portal for linkedIn, github, twitter and microsoft login
- Go to Control Panel → Configuration → System settings → Social Login
- Add all the required properties for linkedIn, github, twitter and microsoft.
Make sure you check Enabled option in configuration to allow user login with linkedIn, github, twitter and microsoft. For more information look on screenshots.
Add below properties to portal-ext.properties.
auto.login.hooks=com.liferay.login.authentication.twitter.connect.web.internal.portlet.action.AutoLoginWithTwitter, \
com.liferay.login.authentication.linkedin.connect.web.internal.portlet.action.AutoLoginWithLinkedIn, \
com.liferay.login.authentication.github.connect.web.internal.portlet.action.AutoLoginWithGithub, \
auth.public.paths=/portal/twitter_connect_oauth, \
/portal/linkedin_connect_oauth, \
/portal/github_connect_oauth, \
* You need to restart Liferay server after setting up above properties in portal ext properties.
* Below are regarding redirect urls for various social login options:
Linkedin: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/linkedin_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/linkedin_connect_oauth
Github: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/github_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/github_connect_oauth
Twitter: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/twitter_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/twitter_connect_oauth
Microsoft: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/microsoft_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/microsoft_connect_oauth
Here, you need to replace http://localhost:8080 with your domain name.
Are you looking for free trial or have any queries? Please contact us at lrapps@surekhatech.com.
Social Login for Liferay 7/DXP plugin for Liferay enables you to login using social networking site accounts. This Liferay plugin allows Guest users to login to Liferay portal with LinkedIn, Github, Twitter and Microsoft account. These login options are shown at the bottom of the Liferay login screen.
Social Login for Liferay 7/DXP plugin allows you to login very easily and quickly. User don’t need to create account in Liferay portal rather directly login with Linkedin, Github, Twitter or Microsoft account credentials.
Key Benefits:
- Allows user to login via OAuth2 based login
- Linkedin login
- Twitter login
- Github login
- Microsoft login
- Integrated with Liferay login
- Enables auto login
- Easily track users whether from LinkedIn, Github, Twitter or Microsoft(with their LinkedInId, githubId, twitterId or microsoftId)
To configure Liferay portal for linkedIn, github, twitter and microsoft login
- Go to Control Panel → Configuration → System settings → Social Login
- Add all the required properties for linkedIn, github, twitter and microsoft.
Make sure you check Enabled option in configuration to allow user login with linkedIn, github, twitter and microsoft. For more information look on screenshots.
Add below properties to portal-ext.properties.
auto.login.hooks=com.liferay.login.authentication.twitter.connect.web.internal.portlet.action.AutoLoginWithTwitter, \
com.liferay.login.authentication.linkedin.connect.web.internal.portlet.action.AutoLoginWithLinkedIn, \
com.liferay.login.authentication.github.connect.web.internal.portlet.action.AutoLoginWithGithub, \
auth.public.paths=/portal/twitter_connect_oauth, \
/portal/linkedin_connect_oauth, \
/portal/github_connect_oauth, \
* You need to restart Liferay server after setting up above properties in portal ext properties.
* Below are regarding redirect urls for various social login options:
Linkedin: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/linkedin_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/linkedin_connect_oauth
Github: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/github_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/github_connect_oauth
Twitter: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/twitter_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/twitter_connect_oauth
Microsoft: http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/microsoft_connect_oauth">http://localhost:8080 /c/portal/microsoft_connect_oauth
Here, you need to replace http://localhost:8080 with your domain name.
Are you looking for free trial or have any queries? Please contact us at lrapps@surekhatech.com.
Surekha Technologies
21/11/24 18:26
Published date
21/11/24 18:26
Published Date
21/11/24 18:26
Liferay PaaS, Liferay Self-Hosted
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