
Custom Landing Page Hook
After a user logs into Liferay, it is a common requirement to be able to redirect them to a different page based on their Organization or Site membership. This hook allows you to specify the desired redirection behavior using a properties file setting. Based on the properties file, it will redirect the user to their private page, public page, their default site's public/private homepage, or their default organization's public/private homepage. Simply install the hook and specify the property by overriding the following settings in your hook's portal.properties:

## Set override.default.landing.page.path to true if you want this property be override
## by CustomLandingPage path. If this is not provided by default it will take its value
## as true. And if this is set to false, CustomLandingPage hook will redirect to this page
## only. It needs to be true in case of Custom Landing page to work.

## Set this property as per your needs for landing page after user log in. It could be from one of
## the value from below options
## 1. userPrivatePage
## 2. userPublicPage
## 3. sitePublicPage
## 4. sitePrivatePage
## 5. organizationPublicPage
## 6. organizationPrivatePage
## 7. role
## 8. userGroup
## For sitePublicPage, sitePrivatePage, organizationPublicPage, organizationPrivatePage option we
## can provide specific landing page friendly URL in custom attribute.
## example,
## For site/organization PublicPage, we can provide landing page in site custom attribute with key "landingPagePublic"
## landingPagePublic = /myHome , where /myHome is frienlyURL of a public page exist in particular site/organization site
## For site/organization PrivatePage, we can provide landing page in site custom attribute with key "landingPrivatePublic"
## landingPagePublic = /myPrivateHome , where /myPrivateHome is frienlyURL of a private page exist in particular site/organization site
## For role & userGroup, we can provide landing page complete relative URL in role OR userGroup's custom attribute with key "landingPage"
## landingPage = /web/mysite/home
## For more details,
## https://github.com/opensourceforlife/CustomLandingPage-Hook

For defining,
1) Site/Organization's Public page
- Create custom attribute of type "TextField" with key "landingPagePublic" and define value as desired page's friendlyURL. i.e. /welcome
2) Site/Organization's Private page
- Create custom attribute of type "TextField" with key "landingPagePrivate" and define value as desired page's friendlyURL. i.e. /myhome
3) Role/UserGroup
- Create custom attribute of type "TextField" with key "landingPage" and define value as desired page's complete page URL. i.e. /web/mysite/myhome

- Glassfish with PACL issue
There is an open PACL/Glassfish issue which is currently under investigation (https://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-39137) .
Until it will get fixed below is the workaround for glassfish users.
1. Start Glassfish with security manager
2. Make sure portal.security.manager.strategy is set to "liferay" in poral-ext.properties

For complete release history visit -
https://github.com/opensourceforlife/CustomLandingPage-Hook /releases

For any issue/query/help/feedback,
Reach out to me @ admin{at}opensourceforlife.com
Tejas Kanani
10.3.2014 0:00
Published date
Virhe tapahtui prosessoidessa esitysmallia.
The string doesn't match the expected date/time/date-time format. The string to parse was: "10.3.2014 0:00". The expected format was: "MM/dd/yy HH:mm".
The nested reason given follows:
Unparseable date: "10.3.2014 0:00"

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${CPDefinition_displayDate.getData()?...  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 4, column 9]
1<#setting date_format="MMMMM d, yyyy"> 
3<#if (CPDefinition_displayDate.getData())??> 
4	${CPDefinition_displayDate.getData()?datetime("MM/dd/yy HH:mm")?date} 
Published Date
10.3.2014 0:00
Self-Hosted, Self-Managed
Supported Versions
6.2, 6.1
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