App Marketplace

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451 Applications Available
Group photo
Group photo
guillaume Lenoir
Group photo lists the people of Liferay portal. Ability to search on : - lastname; - firstname; - email address; - screen name; - keywords. ...
Liferay Kaleo Forms
Liferay Kaleo Forms
Liferay, Inc.
This app adds the visual forms and Kaleo Workflow Designer feature to Liferay's existing Kaleo Workflow engine. The Kaleo Workflow Designer helps...
Custom Navigation
Custom Navigation
Olaf Kock
Liferay's out-of-the-box Navigation only displays the pages (either public or private) of a single site. In some circumstances you want to include...
Liferay Chat
Liferay Chat
Liferay, Inc.
Liferay's Chat portlet provides a convenient way of allowing users to send each other instant messages when they are logged into a Liferay site. It...
Liferay Solr 4 Search Engine
Liferay Solr 4 Search Engine
Liferay, Inc.
This app provides integration with Apache Solr, the popular open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major...
Discussion Boards
Discussion Boards
Azilen Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
This discussion board application is created using Liferay DXP. Liferay’s in built Message Board portlet has been customized to make the discussion...
Quota control
Quota control
Juan Gonzalez
Quota control is a hook developed by the Liferay Spain User Group (LSUG), with the special collaboration, among others: * Alberto Martínez...
Image Optimizer Lite
Image Optimizer Lite
Felix Gonzalez de Santos
Image Optimizer Lite is a hook that adds functionality to optimize images from the document library of a site. There are many sites that require...
Liferay CE Twitter
Liferay CE Twitter
Liferay, Inc.
This app integrates your Twitter timeline into Liferay's Activities framework so that your Tweets show up in your Liferay Activity Stream. Once...
Liferay CE Chat
Liferay CE Chat
Liferay, Inc.
Liferay's Chat portlet provides a convenient way of allowing users to send each other instant messages when they are logged into a Liferay site. It...
Liferay CE Audience Targeting
Liferay CE Audience Targeting
Liferay, Inc.
The Audience Targeting app raises the engagement experience of your portal to a whole new level. This app allows you to segment your audience,...
Category import/export Utility
Category import/export Utility
Ketan Savaliya
- Category import/export utility - How to use ? You can access this functionality from control-panel (Site Administration Section) as well...
EmDev Restaurant Theme
EmDev Restaurant Theme
EmDev Limited
This is theme provides nice, clean, responsive design usable for restaurants. It makes some basic pages like "About Us", "Menu"...
EmDev Presso Theme
EmDev Presso Theme
EmDev Limited
Light and clean theme suitable for "business" sites.
Profi Business Theme
Profi Business Theme
PROFI-DATA Sp. z o.o.
Profi Business Theme is created to show the contents of your site in a neat and clear way. It has many possibilities to adapt the theme to your...