App Marketplace

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88 Applications Available
Liferay CE Theme Loader
Liferay CE Theme Loader
Liferay, Inc.
A theme loader is required to allow the LAR export and import mechanism to hot deploy themes at runtime even if the underlying application server...
Emeldi Commerce® - Enterprise Portal Suite
Emeldi Commerce® - Enterprise Portal Suite
Emeldi Ltd.
If you're looking for a faster, simpler and more effective way to project your online vision to your customers, Emeldi Commerce® - Enterprise...
Zoe Resort
Zoe Resort
Liferay, Inc.
Zoe Resort utilizes a clean layout structure and large dedicated image spaces catering to the needs of the hotel and resort industry, with...
Zoe Brochure
Zoe Brochure
Liferay, Inc.
Zoe Brochure offers a modern corporate feel to your site and is versatile enough to be used by a wide variety of industries. The theme comes...
Zoe Healthcare
Zoe Healthcare
Liferay, Inc.
Zoe Healthcare is a preset theme catering to the medical industry. Our theme includes features and templates that can produce custom layouts to...
Zoe Tech
Zoe Tech
Liferay, Inc.
This theme provides a clean and professional feel. It allows you to showcase your clients, services, and products using featured content on the...
JSF Primefaces Sample Portlet
JSF Primefaces Sample Portlet
TransIT mpower Labs Pvt Ltd
This Portlet helps you to jumpstart your JSF Development in Liferay using Primefaces Developed using Primefaces (JSF 2.0) the solution provides...
Bi-Directional support for Liferay
Bi-Directional support for Liferay
mahmood A
After deploying, Liferay will support right to left display after selecting a right to left language such as Persian. It works only when the...
B2B 2000 Color Responsive Theme
B2B 2000 Color Responsive Theme
Comercio Electrónico B2B 2000, S.A.
Theme de base negra y opciones de menú en colores, responsivo para: tablet, movil, escritorio. Theme de base negra y opciones de menú en colores,...
Responsive Bootstrap Theme
Responsive Bootstrap Theme
Kan Zhang
Responsive Bootstrap Theme is based on the Twitter bootstrap example - Hero: It features a...
Responsive Carousel Portlet
Responsive Carousel Portlet
Kan Zhang
This Responsive Carousel portlet is designed to show the image Carousel/slideshow on an the responsive Liferay site. jQuery and flexslider are...
Responsive Bootstrap 1-3 Layout
Responsive Bootstrap 1-3 Layout
Kan Zhang
Responsive Bootstrap 1-3 Layout Template works together with Responsive Bootstrap Theme to provide Responsive site design.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Neurones Technologies SA
This portlet automatically displays the future upcoming events taken from the site’s calendar. While the asset publisher displays the latest events...